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Conclusion for abortion essay

Conclusion for abortion essay

conclusion for abortion essay

Conclusion. In conclusion, prior to , abortion was illegal and was only applicable legally as an option only when the mother’s life was in danger. However, the Supreme Court’s ruling on Roe v. Wade case changed all this; women perceived the ruling as a liberating to them Abortion is more wrong and selfish than people think. There are reasons why it is unethical such as it goes against the constitution. The 14th amendment Abortion is the medical process of ending a pregnancy, normally before the stage of viability. However, in different countries and cultures, it may be acceptable before and after this point. This essay will be arguing and giving two different perspectives on the argument. The first

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He argues that there are cases when abortion would mean that woman is directly harming the man. These scenarios essentially differ and they include cases of rape, casual sex, negligence, deceit and malice. Want to get an original essay on this topic? According to Harris, procreation is a morally legitimate interest but the fulfilment of this interest is conditioned by the requirement that men respect the autonomy of women in this regard. In other words, the foetus must be a result of pursuing a legitimate interest in procreation in a morally legitimate way. These claims directly brings us to the conclusion that, if foetus occurs as a result of rape or casual sexual relationship, it is not an object of a legitimate interest for the man, therefore, having an abortion would not harm his interests, since it, in fact, does not exist.

In this case, the foetus would only be his in a biological sense. The reasons why Harris claims so in the case of rape is that, when forcing to woman into an intercourse, he did not take into consideration her autonomy, and therefore, the requirement of reciprocity is conclusion for abortion essay. This reasoning is intertwined in the latter three cases, where Harris used examples of married couples, conclusion for abortion essay the wives were deceiving the husband. The husbands wanted to become a parent, while the wives were not interested in this role. Harris argues here that, by not sharing their views and opinion of becoming mothers, and misleading their husbands that they would become father throughout the marriage, constitutes morally impermissible abortion.

Further in the scenarios, they become pregnant and decide to abort, but the relevant point here is just by acting in this deceiving manner, the wives already harmed their interest in procreation. Sherain on this matter claims that there are fathers who want conclusion for abortion essay have children and are prepared to take on all responsibilities that fatherhood brings with it, and that law should also take their interests into consideration, as well as the mothers. When a man has satisfied the requirements of autonomy in regard to the interest in procreation both in regard to himself and to his sexual partner, the woman has a prima facie obligation to him not to harm the fetus.

And unless there is some countervening moral consideration to override this prima facie obligation, the abortion of the fetus is morally impermissible. In addition to this, I will add that, from my point of view, this reasoning goes vice-versa. The Abortion On Conclusion. com, conclusion for abortion essay, Feb 03, Accessed April 18, comFeb The Abortion on Conclusion. Order paper like this, conclusion for abortion essay. Did you like this example? Type your requirements and get professional help. Deadline: 10 days left, conclusion for abortion essay. Number of pages. Email Invalid email. A professional writer will make a clear, mistake-free paper for you!

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Abortion debate: Pro-life or pro-choice?

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Abortion Essay Examples (Pros and Cons) - Free Argumentative, Persuasive Essays and Research Papers

conclusion for abortion essay

The Abortion on Conclusion. Contrasting Di Nucci’s concept of responsibility to abort, Harris introduced a so-called responsibility to bear. He argues that there are cases when abortion would mean that woman is directly harming the man. The term wrongful harm is here used for violating father’s autonomy and morally legitimate interest in self-determination Abortion is the medical process of ending a pregnancy, normally before the stage of viability. However, in different countries and cultures, it may be acceptable before and after this point. This essay will be arguing and giving two different perspectives on the argument. The first Conclusion. In conclusion, prior to , abortion was illegal and was only applicable legally as an option only when the mother’s life was in danger. However, the Supreme Court’s ruling on Roe v. Wade case changed all this; women perceived the ruling as a liberating to them

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