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The men we carry in our minds essay

The men we carry in our minds essay

the men we carry in our minds essay

May 18,  · Remove from my list. In Scott Russell Sanders’ essay, “The Men We Carry in Our Minds”, he indicates his perspective through discussing the issues that exist between sex and social class. Sanders’ depicts his thoughts through narration which allows him to portray his own life experiences to support his blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins The Men We Carry in Our Minds is an essay by Scott Russell Sanders on the roles and responsibilities given to men and women in different echelons of society. Writing from his own point of view, the author spends the majority of the essay comparing and contrasting the differing jobs of men and women, and then outlining the effects of those jobs on them Apr 12,  · Scott Russell Sanders’ “The Men We Carry in Our Minds” is a groundbreaking essay designed to challenge people’s preconceived notions concerning privilege. Sanders effectively articulates the complex relationship between gender, race, and class, concluding that a framework of intersectionality is essential in understanding social privilege

The Men We Carry in Our Minds - Fountain Essays

Today, both genders are equal when it comes to their own rights and choices. Sanders grew up in a lower class environment where men worked hard and labored with their bodies. He also states how men worked hard and physically suffered from all the responsibilities that had to be done for their families. On the other hand, Sanders shares his view on how women lived easier lives than the men he grew up with. He clearly shows support and sympathy towards men because he had witness the hard work his own father had to go through just to be able to give his family a better life. Sanders father worked his way out of being a laborer to a white-collar worker. This shaped his perspective that men are progressive and women will always have the same responsibilities, which is to take care of the household.

I would say that my view on gender role is different from Sanders. I grew up in an environment similar to Sanders, where the lack of opportunity forced men to explore different possibilities in life. When I was young, my parents got divorced, so my mother had to raise me and my siblings single handedly. Although my father supported us financially, I never really saw how hard he worked, or the kind of work that he had. Being raised by my mother gave me a different perception on gender roles. In the environment I grew up in, women can chose to work if they wish to. My mother had a job when she was raising us, and she would leave the responsibility to my older sister while she was at work. My brother and I would do some household chores including chores that often women are expected to do like laundry, dishes, the men we carry in our minds essay, and even cooking.

Because I have a brother and a sister, my mother taught us how to treat each other equally regardless of our gender. Later on, Sanders will find out that the women, the men we carry in our minds essay, whom he studied with, in college, were not so different from him because they too, needed to hold such position, which they found difficult to achieve because of the assumption that men are more powerful than women. In his essay, Sanders divided men he knew into three categories which are laborers, soldiers, and bosses.

He describes the men he grew with the men we carry in our minds essay hard working men, who were physically worn out from working all day and night. When I was young I used to spend the summer with my grandparents in the Philippines. My grandparents owned a rice mill in a province where mostly men and women were farmers. Every time I was brought to the mill, I remember seeing men unloading hundreds of sack of rice out of the truck, and farmers planting rice seeds manually piece by piece with their hands. I did not realize how hard their job was because I was too young to understand the kind of work and responsibility they had.

Every time I had dinner with my grandparents, I would get scolded whenever I left even a single grain of rice on my plate because they would remind me that every grain of rice comes from blood, sweat, and tears of their hard working men. The second kind of men Sanders mentions are Soldiers. Sanders also added that soldiers were lazy, never worked, the men we carry in our minds essay, and bored. Despite Sanders view on soldiers, he knew that when their time comes, they would be the men we carry in our minds essay to kill and die for their country. I disagree with Sanders view on soldiers, because I believe that soldiers have greater purpose other than to kill and die for their country.

In the country where I grew up in, soldiers play a big role in the society. The third kind of men Sanders mentions are men who give orders. Having seen the life of the men he grew up with limited his views on the possibilities of a better future for himself. Sanders states that men were destined to become laborers and soldier. However, Sanders view changed when he was fortunate enough get a scholarship that enabled him to attend college and meet women who shared a different perspective towards men. Sanders saw a different kind of men beyond his expectations, men who were greedy and powerful.

Sanders views on women completely changed when he went to college. He found out the men and women share common struggles in life. He thinks of men as the decision maker and women as the follower. But as the society changes, the equality between men and women are given more importance. I do not completely agree about what Sanders says that women had it easier, but I do believe that men are naturally born to show women more respect and accommodation. In the end, men and women are equal human beings that have the same abilities and opportunities in life.

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Performance Task, Speaking Activity: Debate- The Men We Carry in Our Minds

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The Men We Carry in Our Minds Essay - Grand Paper Writers

the men we carry in our minds essay

During the early 50’s, gender roles were simpler, men goes to work and women stays at home. Today, both genders are equal when it comes to their own rights and choices. In the essay “The Men We Carry in Our Minds”, by Scott Russell Sanders, he Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Mar 07,  · The Men We Carry in Our Minds is an essay by Scott Russell Sanders on the roles and responsibilities given to men and women in different echelons of society. Writing from his own point of view, the author spends the majority of the essay comparing and contrasting the differing jobs of men and women, and then outlining the effects of those jobs on them SANDERS / The Men We Carry in Our Minds from birth that they would lead lives of comfort and power. And for the first time I met women who told me that men were guilty of having kept all the joys and privileges of the earth for themselves. I was baffled. What privileges? What joys? I thought about the maimed, dismal lives of most Of the men back Size: 1MB

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